The intention was to create two elements that complement each other, when developing the concept for the genre swap of "The Princess Bride". A DVD and magazine cover were the most suitable elements, especially with such strong, attention grabbing imagery. I did want to keep the image of the DVD cover as the main element of the magazine cover as well and therefore worked the text around it. Overall the design follows a simple grid and maintains a pleasing balance between imagery/negative space and text elements. To add some dimension to the magazine cover and highlight the image of the main actor, I decided to use several layers between the imagery and text elements, creating a 3D effect. This approach also divided the text arrangement into the foreground/background and emphasizes only the most important text elements. Furthermore, I used different font weights and sizes, as well as adding a texture to the magazine name to make the cover more engaging. The dark mood of the cover should also provide the reader already with a shivering impression of what to expect of the movie and encourage to read what it is about.